December 7, 2010

Downloads by Country

Anar here ... with a bit of propaganda right now... :)

I am very glad to see that PoD is being used or at least evaluated in many countries already!
The statistics below shows the downloads of PoD source tarball for the last 6 months. It is only 166 downloads by about 12 countries. 
"It's a very small number" - would you say.  But don't forget, that for such a young and specific product like PoD, which works on a very specific field - it is a great success. Every new user is a success, I think.

Since PoD supports a shared installation feature now, I expect the download counts to dramatically reduce. Due to the fact, that in most cases PoD is and will be downloaded only once for a site and shared between several users on that site.

BTW, I also expect more customers from the USA to join, as soon as a Condor plug-in for PoD is released. The plug-in now in development and expected in an early beta in several days.

Anyway the downloads count doesn't really matter to us. It is just interesting to see how our product slowly gets maturer.
What is really important to us is to create a product, which will help, simplify and populate a PROOF-like-analysis.

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