June 18, 2014

PoD 3.16

Anar here...

PoD 3.16 is out: http://pod.gsi.de/download.html

The main Highlight of this release is the support of a configurable tmp directory on worker nodes.
Now PoD uses $TMPDIR as the root directory for temporary PROOF and PoD files.
We also moved to SL 6 and OSX 10.9 as the minimum required systems on WNs.
Plus some minor changes.

Just to keep you informed. As you may know I am working on the successor of PoD - DDS.
DDS is going to be much more generic (will support any user process, not only PROOFs) and a lot more flexible, than PoD.
PoD therefore is now supported on demand only. There will be no new features in PoD unless there is a user requests for it. So, send me your requests if you want to have something in PoD.

Don't forget that we are hosted on github. Report bugs and comments via github issue tracker. You can also subscribe on the project and follow code changes and releases via github system.

please check the release notes for more details.

PoD Home
Release Notes