November 5, 2010

Download statistics

Anar here...

It has been a long time since my last post ;) You know, I was busy with PoD development and stuff.
There are many new features implemented in PoD and I am doing my best to get them all tested and available in the next release of PoD, which I am planning to make in a week or so. In my next posts on this blog I am going to highlight some features. So, please, subscribe for updates or follow me on this blog (on the right you see the followers bar)...

Anyhow this post is not exactly about PoD, but about a PoD web site update. There are some cosmetic changes, and among others I have implemented an automatic publishing of PoD download statistics. It is time, I think, to start to get some statistics (it's better to be early than late). You can check it out here.
So far we have around 130 Downloads since summer 2010. I think it is very good number, since PoD is a specific product for a specific field. 

As you may know or have noticed, is a docbook based website. Since long time I am in love with docbook (PoD User's manual is made in docbook) and even the web site of PoD is also a docbook based. I am using docbook Website schemas and very happy with it. For a docbook Website concept I will dedicate a separate post some time later.

Back to the subject. The stats are generated automatically every night. Since I don't have a direct access to our Web Server and its logs, it was quite tricky to implement.
The whole process is completely automated.
I am getting the log via a script. The stats are parsed by a simple C++ program, which outputs a docbook page. The page is than committed to PoDWebsite Git repo. As soon as the Git repo updated with a new commit, buildbot will automatically start a build of PoDWebsite and if parsing and conversion to html are ok, the site will be published. WoW :) So, simple is that. I love automations!

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