May 25, 2011

LoadLeveler plug-in

Anar here...

I've just released a new PoD beta. In this version we have a new job manager plug-in implemented.
Now PoD supports IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler LoadLeveler!

A special thanks to Simon Heisterkamp (Copenhagen, Denmark), who helped a lot in development of the plug-in.

If you want to try this build, please download the latest Beta:
In case of Problems:

May 3, 2011

New PoD WN

Anar here...

I've just released a new beta build of PoD. This version got three major improvements:

  1. PoD WN has now been officially ported to Mac OS X. That means PoD now fully supports Linux and Mac. You can run PoD Server, PoD UI or PoD WN on Mac OS X (and/or Linux). While testing this feature today, I set up a dynamic PROOF cluster of 46 WNs using the SSH plug-in, containing different Linux versions (Debian Etch, Debian Lenny) and two Mac OS X workers. :D Thanks to PROOF and PoD you now are able to combine different OSs and architectures in your dynamic PROOF clusters.
  2. Each PoD WN starts its own xproofd daemon now. This feature makes it easer to handle PoD workers individually. The feature is also important for PoD and AliEn integration.
  3. The start up time of PoD WNs is significantly improved in this version of PoD.
If you want to try this build, please download the latest Beta:
In case of Problems: