December 2, 2009

PoD 2.1.2

It is my pleasure to announce the release of PoD 2.1.2.

Some Highlights of this release
  • Now PoD officially supports AFS. You can install PoD at CERN. See "PoD at CERN’s AFS".
  • It is very important to mention, that the code of PoD's LSF plug-in got a lot of improvements. It is now smarter, faster, and, most importantly, LSF and resource friendly.
  • Now users can configure whether to receive LSF jobs' std/err output via emails or files (files - by default). It's configurable in PoD user defaults ($POD_LOCATION/etc/PoD.cfg). Only for the LSF plug-in.
  • Now user can configure whether PoD workers should upload log files at the end of the session or not (not - by default). It's configurable in PoD user defaults ($POD_LOCATION/etc/PoD.cfg). Only for the LSF plug-in.
  • Now users can define $ROOTSYS as a ROOT version for workers. Workers will use that version of ROOT, which is defined on a PoD server machine (in case of shared home) or WN will use any version defined on it under $ROOTSYS. It's configurable in PoD user defaults ($POD_LOCATION/etc/PoD.cfg), see worker.my_rootsys. Now it is a default value.
  • GUI (pod-console) now can detect that there is no user activity. And if it lasts for 15 minutes, it switches all sensors automatically off and shows an information message. This prevents unnecessary system usage when pod-console is left without a user attention.
+ a lot more visible and internal changes...

To find out all changes, which where introduced in this version, please, meet our web site
follow the direct link to ReleaseNotes.

Actually you find all needed information on

PoD works out of the box! Most users won't even need to know the location of PoD user defaults - configuration file ;)

Since 2.1.2 contains important changes, including security fixes, it is very much recommended to start your next dynamic PROOF session with PoD 2.1.2.

BTW, it is about one month since GSI (Darmstadt) switched to a dynamic PROOF cluster using PoD, instead of a static one.
PoD is a toolset, which helps to unleash another powerful side of such a great product like PROOF.

In case of any problem or questions on this version please immediately contact to
You feedback will be always appreciated. The development of PoD is only driven by your feedback!

November 9, 2009

Today PoD became a bit closer to users ;)
I've just got a dedicated PoD domain:

The site isn't complete yet, but has already more than enough information to start to play with PoD.

From now on only POD.GSI.DE should be the entry point for all PoD users.

October 31, 2009

PoD 2.1.1 on AFS

Yesterday, PoD has been tested at CERN.
We used PoD 2.1.1 and LSF plug-in. The LSF plug-in so-far only supports a shared file system on LSF, the installation therefore was done on AFS.

So, as it was expected ;) PoD worked out of the box! We submitted about 30 jobs. The start-up time for LSF jobs was very vast. I think we got all our workers within 20 seconds.

Now I can confirm, PoD (with LSF plug-in) has been officially tested at CERN.

The only problem we faced was the restriction of AFS.
New version of PoD creates a named-pipe - it is used in the latest thread pool algorithm of PoD. Unfortunately we found out that AFS doesn't support pipes:

Subject: 2.13  Can I create a fifo (aka named pipe) in /afs?
No. AFS does not support "mknod fifofile p".
It is actually very simple to fix in PoD. The patch is already in development and will be released very soon.

Have a nice day!

October 29, 2009

ALICE Offline week

Anar here ...

This week I gave a PoD presentation on the ALICE offline week.
My slides you can find here ;)

If everything goes as planned, PoD will take place of GSI's static PROOF cluster and will be used on daly basis as a default way of processing PROOF analysis. At least we are going in that direction currently.
Will keep you posting on this one...

October 26, 2009

PoD 2.1.1

Finally a new version of PoD has been released.
This time PoD got lots of improvements and most of all the pod-agent - a core module, has been upgraded and now made a use of the thread pool pattern. This gives a much smaller virtual memory footprint and also improves the performance by a huge factor in a network intensive operations (such as a file list validation when thousands of files are in the list and a merging) when many worker nods are used.

All users are kindly asked to stop using all prevues versions of PoD, including betas and move to v2.1.1.
The first reason is that this version is a factor of 10 faster in network intensive operations (like file validation and merging) and a virt. memory footprint of it is now reduced by a factor of 14 in compare to the prevues release + many many more improvements.
The second, since I am the only developer I can't give much support for older versions. So, if you have a problem with PoD the first question would be, "are you using the latest one?"... ;)

BTW, starting from this version, PoD generates a helper header file. The header should help you to automat a PROOF connection string in your scripts.
Read more in user's manual.

There are many more other features added and fixed. You can find more information in the Release Notes.

Find more details on PoD Trac.

July 21, 2009

PoD 2.0.10 is out

I've just released PoD 2.0.10.
This is a patch release, it addresses a hanging-on-merging issue (which could happen with PoD 2.0.8-2.0.9) and brings some performance improvements.

Find more details on PoD Trac.

June 16, 2009

PoD 2.0.8 has been released

Just a minute ago I have released version 2.0.8.
The main goal of this development was to reduce resource requirements PoD server need to handle its workers, in terms of a number of threads and memory. It looks like the task was successfully accomplished. Resource requirements were reduced by a factor of 3.

Now, since GSI ALICE group started to use PoD, PoD is tested with an ALICE PROOF-tutorial analysis (an example of a standard ALICE PROOF analysis) using 80 dynamic PROOF workers on LSF batch system.

Find more details on PoD Trac.

Release 2.0.8 2009-06-16
- Using PROOFAgent's new configuration file.
- A better handling of multiple PoD workers on the same worker node started in the same time.
- Many minor fixes.
=== GAW v3.2.0
=== PROOFAgent v2.0.0 (2009-06-15) with the following changes:
   - Dramatically reduced a number of threads, which PA produces (on both server and client sides).
   - A slight redesign of the packet forwarder. PA now requires a factor of 3 less resources to handle each worker.
   - Removed the dependency on XERCES-C library.
   - The configuration file has been redesigned. Now using an INI style.
   - The build system has been switched from GNU Autotools to cmake.
   - Due to many bugs in FindBOOST of older versions of cmake we require cmake 2.6.4.
   - New configuration parameter - client.shutdown_if_idle_for_sec. Shut down a worker if its idle time is higher than this value.
   - Cosmetic changes.
=== PAConsole v1.0.7 (2009-06-15) with the following changes:
   - Source code cleaning.
   - Using new PROOFAgent's configuration file.
   - Fixed a case when several users run a PoD server and PAConsole couldn't recognize properly whether PoD runs or not.
   - LSF plug-in:
      * use LSF's queue information to limit the maximum number of workers in GUI.

April 30, 2009

PoD 2.0.7 is OUT

Today PoD 2.0.7 has been released. For some reasons the release was postponed several times... Finally it is out.
From now on PoD supports plug-ins. It provides already LSF and gLite plug-ins. That means you can get your PROOF cluster on the LSF or/and gLite workers just with one click.

PoD - "PROOF cluster on the fly" ;)

Find more details on PoD Trac.

Release notes

********************* Release 2.0.7 2009-04-30 ************************

- project has been renamed to "PROOF on Demand" (PoD).

- PAConsole now supports job manager plug-ins. Currently gLite and LSF plug-ins are officially supported.

- supporting LSF plug-in an workers on LSF.

- dynamic ports configuration is now sopported on PoD workers and server. PoD chooses ports for XRD, XPROOF and PROOFAgent on the fly during the start of the server of workers.

- cosmetic changes.

- using GAW v.3.2.0, PROOFAgent 1.0.5 and PAConsole 1.0.6 (see apps' ReleaseNotes files for more details).


********************* Release 1.0.6 2009-04-30 ************************

- using new build system - cmake [Trac Ticket #79]

- implemented plug-in system for PAConsole's job managers [Trac Ticket #80]

- implemented gLite job manager plug-in [Trac Ticket #80]

- implemented LSF job manager plug-in [Trac Ticket #81]

GAW and PROOFAgent have not been changed in this release.

April 27, 2009

PoD with Git

Last week I switched PoD development from SVN to Git. Three years of SVN...what a waste...

I don't want here to start a holy war - Git vs SVN, because there can't be any. Git will win in anyway! I just must say that I do regret that I switched to Git so late ;)

BTW, now I am switching all my development projects to Git, even private ones.

So far I opened only PoD repository for WEB view and for ssh connection. Currently repository can only be accessed using ssh protocol. In the future I am going to open it it for https as well.

February 3, 2009

New Logo for PoD

The PoD project has just gotten a new logo. Don't judge me, I am not a professional designer and just started to play with gimp around. ;)