April 30, 2009

PoD 2.0.7 is OUT

Today PoD 2.0.7 has been released. For some reasons the release was postponed several times... Finally it is out.
From now on PoD supports plug-ins. It provides already LSF and gLite plug-ins. That means you can get your PROOF cluster on the LSF or/and gLite workers just with one click.

PoD - "PROOF cluster on the fly" ;)

Find more details on PoD Trac.

Release notes

********************* Release 2.0.7 2009-04-30 ************************

- project has been renamed to "PROOF on Demand" (PoD).

- PAConsole now supports job manager plug-ins. Currently gLite and LSF plug-ins are officially supported.

- supporting LSF plug-in an workers on LSF.

- dynamic ports configuration is now sopported on PoD workers and server. PoD chooses ports for XRD, XPROOF and PROOFAgent on the fly during the start of the server of workers.

- cosmetic changes.

- using GAW v.3.2.0, PROOFAgent 1.0.5 and PAConsole 1.0.6 (see apps' ReleaseNotes files for more details).


********************* Release 1.0.6 2009-04-30 ************************

- using new build system - cmake [Trac Ticket #79]

- implemented plug-in system for PAConsole's job managers [Trac Ticket #80]

- implemented gLite job manager plug-in [Trac Ticket #80]

- implemented LSF job manager plug-in [Trac Ticket #81]

GAW and PROOFAgent have not been changed in this release.

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